The instructions for the First HTML Project from last weeks session. We got as far as the first section on HTML. We will finish next week so give it a try during the week if you want.
Eventbrite for 13th February now up
See on the right hand side…same password as before
The Internet and The World Wide Web
A short few slides trying to pack in a lot of information about the internet, websites and related technology that I will go through tomorrow night before we all go on a journey of creating our own websites!
Booking for Term 2 Week 5 Feb 6th Now Up
The latest eventbrite booking for Feb 6th is now available on the right hand side of the web page. Password is same as last week.
Please note we will be doing basic html and website development this week so please download 2 pieces of software for this. Check if you already have these on your computer.
The first is Notepad++ which you can get here
The second is Putty which you can get here (you dont need to install putty just download it) –